How to lower your credit card limit When you have a credit card, a bank or finance provider can sometimes encourage you with a temptingl... Just Financial April 22, 2020
What to prepare when applying for a mortgage? When applying for a home loan, a mortgage broker, financial adviser, the bank, etc. wo... Just Financial April 14, 2020
Can you get a mortgage or home loan with bad credit? “Bad credit” can represent a cloud of different issues, or it could just simply represent one is... Just Financial April 13, 2020
Do you need a family budget? If your family is wanting to buy their first home, get ahead financially, reduce debts or even save ... Just Financial April 7, 2020
How to get a loan for renovations? Want to get a loan for renovations? Many people want to understand how they can borrow money to reno... Just Financial April 4, 2020