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Getting a home loan

Understand more about getting a home loan.

How much deposit do I need?

While it is beneficial to generally have a 20% deposit when buying a home to live in, in some cases you can buy with a smaller deposit. It may be possible to buy with a deposit as little as 5-10% in some cases. 10% would be much more common than 5%, and 5% is very rare. It is usually easier to buy with a smaller deposit if you intend to buy a newly built or constructed property. Talk to us to understand more.

Can I use KiwiSaver to buy a house?

Subject to criteria, yes, you can buy a house to live in using your KiwiSaver. There are certain rules that apply, but the good news is that many Kiwis are using KiwiSaver to help buy a house.

What are the government grants?

The “First Home Grant” (Also known as the HomeStart Grant) is a grant the NZ government can provide, to help a couple get up to $20,000 when buying a home to live in. This is subject to criteria.

What documents are needed to apply for a home loan?

We will explain to you some of the documents you’ll need to apply for a home loan. Generally you can expect to provide your driver’s license, passport, bank statements, pay slips. There are usually other documents required as well.

Why use Just Financial, rather than going direct to the bank?

Just Financial can provide you with a high standard of personal service. An adviser will work with you to understand your situation, gather the relevant information, present a strong case for you to the bank and advocate to help you get a home loan.

Reviewing your home loan

If you’ve had a home loan for a few years, it could be a good chance for a review!

Why is it a good idea to review your home loan?

Reviewing your home loan can potentially help you save money. You might be able to save money on repayments, the interest you pay, or maybe even both. A professional can discuss this with you and ascertain what possible savings might exist.

How do you pay a mortgage off faster?

Some people feel that large interest costs can make it feel tiring when it comes to paying off their home loan. A professional financial adviser can discuss with you whether we can adjust how your mortgage is structured, to achieve greater savings. It may also be possible to make voluntary repayments to help drop the principal of your loan faster.

Can you buy an investment property using equity?

After owning your own home for some time, you might be able to use the equity within your home loan, to buy a second property. That second property can be an investment or rental property. Depending on your circumstance, you could be a landlord yourself. Being a landlord can be a good way to build wealth and also at the same time support another family into their own home.

Other questions

Other commonly asked questions

Why is life insurance important?

The sad reality is that people pass away, and it can happen at anytime. Unfortunately, the financial consequences of someone’s death can be devastating. For many families, they would find it impossible to continue to meet their obligations and mortgage/rent payments if that deceased person’s income is removed. Life insurance can therefore provide valuable financial help and assistance. In the event that someone dies, and there is a qualifying claim, it can provide great financial relief to the survivors.

How do I apply for a home loan?

Contact us to get the process started. We can help you through our initial online process, making it convenient. Depending on what is required we can also meet and discuss in greater detail.

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