Applying for a personal loan can be easy. The money can be used for things like; cars, certain bills, holidays, medical expenses, renovations, and more.
It is also possible to apply for a personal loan to replace your existing loan that is expensive or has a very high interest rate.
Where to apply for a personal loan?
Considerations with a personal loan
Repayment frequency – Some people prefer to pay weekly, whilst others prefer monthly or fortnightly. Check what repayment frequencies the provider may be able to offer you.
Loan term – Being able to receive a longer loan term can usually be beneficial as it means that you can have more time to pay off the loan. A longer loan term usually means a lower $ amount for your weekly installment payments.
Is there an ability to repay the loan early without receiving additional charges? – check this with the provider and financial adviser (if applicable).
Security – Some personal loans will require security, such as that on a vehicle.
Ability to consolidate – There may be an ability to merge all your debts into one, and get a better deal.
You should consider there are also other considerations which cannot be completely covered off in this article.
Common documents required to apply for a personal loan
It is common to be asked for identification. This can help the loan provider or finance company identify who you are. It also usually allows them to perform a credit check which is often required.
You are usually going to be asked for supporting documents. These can include matters such as bank statements, details of your other loans, and possibly payslips.
Expect that you might also be asked what the money will be used for. For example, if you’re planning to use the money to buy a car, you might need to show proof you are buying a car. Or if you’re using the money to pay for a holiday, you might need to be able to prove that you are using it to buy a holiday.