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Refinancing Your Mortgage

Home Refinancing Your Mortgage

Many families are positively shocked as to how much they can save from refinancing.

Refinancing can be a way to save money on your mortgage repayments as well as restructuring your mortgages to help ensure they are running well.

What is refinancing?

Refinancing is a broad subject area. Refinancing can include reviewing your current financial situation together with home loan(s) or mortgage(s) and in order to see if there is a better option for structuring it.

It may mean staying with the current lender or bank or, if it benefits you, moving to another lender or bank. Therefore, it is important to get the right advice.

Does your home loan need a tune up?

Whether you own one house, two, or maybe even more, it could be time to check whether your home loan needs a tune up. There can be many advantages to refinancing, though these need to be carefully considered. If it has been sometime since a skilled and professional financial adviser has examined this, things may not be running as well as they should!

Best interest rates

Some lenders are offering better interest rates than others, so you may benefit from checking whether you are currently receiving the best deal. Some lenders may also offer a discounted interest rate. If you refinance your home loan you may be able to take advantage of a lower interest rate, generating a saving in the process.

Structure of your mortgage

You may benefit from checking whether the structure of your mortgages currently makes sense. Should you be using interest only instead of principal and interest, or vice-versa? Are the majority of debts currently on your owner occupied properties, or your investment properties? A review of these, possibly with the help with a qualified accountant, can help.

Consolidating debts

If you have other debts such as personal loans, vehicle loans, credit cards, and overdrafts, you may benefit from refinancing these into your home loan. A home loan interest rate can be around 4%, whereas many credit cards have interest rates over 20%! Check whether debt consolidation may be an answer for your situation.

Better loan facilities

Some lenders offer better loan facilities than others making refinancing a worthwhile consideration. Now that some or many years have passed since you first bought your home, getting this all important ‘tune up’ to understand how you can pay your mortgage off sooner, or save on your repayments, can be very helpful.

Cash bonuses or cashback

Some lenders or banks will provide cashback for moving providers – this can be thousands of dollars. This can make the process more viable financially.

It’s easy to discuss refinancing

You can discuss refinancing with a suitably qualified mortgage expert who can study the situation and make the appropriate recommendations. The expert can also review whether it may be worth considering staying with your current lender, as opposed to transferring over, or helping to negotiate a deal out of them before looking to go elsewhere. We believe in positive outcomes for all customers.

Refinancing for the sake of it is not always a great answer. Sometimes people choose to refinance without taking suitable advice, which is not recommended. But if you get it done in the right way with high quality advice that is in your best interests and the justification and reasons to do it make sense, then it can be a great thing.

How to refinance your home loan?

You may need to start by discussing your situation with a suitably qualified mortgage expert. They may gather information about your situation, which could include details of the property/properties you own, your income, debts, expenses, and other matters. They can then analyse current market offers in conjunction with your home loan, and compute the relevant information.

You may be required to provide details throughout the application process. When working with us, we aim to make the process as easy as possible.


Just Financial is a professional financial adviser service and helps you with buying a home, using your KiwiSaver, insurance and more. Ask us to help you with your financial goals.

  • Home loans
  • Using your KiwiSaver
  • Saving money on your mortgage
  • Refinancing or debt consolidation
  • Low interest rates

  • Life insurance
  • Mortgage protection insurance
  • First home buyers
  • Help when the bank says no
  • Construction loans

Get Help From An Award Winning Financial Adviser

Want to buy a house? Looking for an amazing mortgage broker? Buying a house can be a challenging process. With the right advice, this can be made easy. Just Finance provides a professional mortgage broker service that can help you right throughout New Zealand. From first home buyers, to investors, as well as people who already have a house and want to refinance, there are many ways we help.



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